Friday, March 21, 2025

Dev Diary - Bite It Like A Bulldog

 After my initial two characters, Noah "Bulldog" Taylor was next on the list. He was an ex-infantry from the Melbourne Defense Force with a preferred class of Infantry and Assault.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Building A Bear

We are officially in Early Access for Mechanized Corps: Rebirth so here's another bit of what I'm working on!

Remember, we're going to be streaming a day of Dark Horizons with Lorecon 2025 on April 19th. Last year I was able to get affiliate with a single day of streaming, so here's to another successful day. This year we have two games to offer and a lot more going on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Balancing the Bots

 We finally did it! Mechanized Corps: Rebirth came out yesterday! 

Part of the work I'm doing, other than basically creating characters from a list of NPC names, is making sure they all function as intended.

Below is the chart I've been building, fixing and erasing over and over every time the bots are improved or the data significantly shifts.

The numbers are colored to represent how well they're performing. The major KPI I use to watch them if their Damage and Damage per Death. KDR is easily manipulated by last shot mechanics. The average damage will level out over the different builds as each pilot will favor different chassis and size categories of Mechanized Corps. The pilots don't need to be even, but they should start falling into their tiers. So the T4 characters generally need to be doing better than they are while the T2 Bear is doing too well. 

Obviously I am performing at what my KDR would put at a T11 character right now and my D/D is double that of the next highest. Even other players I've been playing with are generally not breaking the 20k mark except a few. I managed to break 30k several times and 40k once. I've also been playing and building so much I would hope I've got it down to a science.

Not a ton of details here but just a peak into what I do and how I do it. 

Happy Hunting!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Adventures In Eberron

I mentioned a while back that I was playing in an Eberron game. We're playing Oracle of War and have made it up to level 10. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mechanized Corps: Rebirth DevStream

Welcome back! Here is the stream we did on March 2nd. It features my game play with teaming up with the other devs and our guest community member.

The game comes out on March 11th. Demo is out now!
Check out Mechanized Corps: Rebirth on Steam today!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

LoreCon 2024

Last year we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Dark Horizons. This helped by heralding in the new member of the franchise, Dark Horizons Mechanized Corps as a tabletop game. We celebrated by playing Dark Horizons Lore: Invasion, DHMC on Steam (Now Mechanized Corps: Rebirth) and talking about the D20 game, TableTop game and lots more! This helped spur development on bringing Rebirth to life.

Unfortunately I had a recording issue that wasn't noticed until too late and some of the audio is very low in the interview portions.

Warning, this is a long stream with lots of talking!

The follow-up 21st Anniversary is coming up on April 19th and will be streamed on My Twitch and will be featured on Dark Horizons Universe (Discord)