Friday, March 14, 2025

Building A Bear

We are officially in Early Access for Mechanized Corps: Rebirth so here's another bit of what I'm working on!

Remember, we're going to be streaming a day of Dark Horizons with Lorecon 2025 on April 19th. Last year I was able to get affiliate with a single day of streaming, so here's to another successful day. This year we have two games to offer and a lot more going on.

Ivan 'Bear' Petrov

The first character I dove into. He's a veteran of the Moscow Defense Force, placing him firmly in the EC territory prior to being a merc. He prefers the big Mechanized Corps units, Heavy and Assault. His favored weapons? Plasma. Right up my alley.

That's just about all of the information I had to go with while fleshing out Bear. As he was my first character I really had to think about how I was going to make all the characters. I also highly value the plasma weapons myself in Mechanized Corps: Rebirth (though testing is showing I overvalue them). So in my mind he was a tough cookie. Hard to break. I wanted him to be a defender and tough.

Max armor all around. We also discussed the rules for managing your squad of Mechanized Corps at each players disposal. Part of that was that bots had to follow the same rules - except in the case where it's appropriate or just cool. So as an experiment Bear was given a pass to ignore his Scout choice and take a second Infantry. In testing I have not found a significant determination on MC size and performance - a bot with 3 Infantry can out perform a bot with a full loadout given the right weapons (though the biggest MC get the biggest guns). 

I was given his favored weapon as plasma, but given he was a (former) EC pilot, I chose rockets as a secondary weapon. 

His style is up close and personal. He's there to take the heat while his allies are kept safe behind him. This happens to align with the bots default behavior. So the cards align in his favor a bit. 

Overall I had a blast designing his character. In terms of build and faction he matched up to me and he came to life very quickly for me. I'm currently tweaking his builds as some weapons were changed and he's not performing in the zone I want him to be in. 

If there are any questions about the characters, builds, or design process, feel free to ask. I'm going to try and cover one per week with maybe some intermissions for updates on other things I'm working on. 

Happy Hunting!

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